The website is the property of Hexagone Capital Ltd, incorporated in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and operates under the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA), with licence number #FOO7596.
This tool is made available to you free of charge. The tool is based on information based on the firm's professional analysis of PDPO compliance. However, since compliance is a dynamic process and any situation is special, the information transmitted must be adapted and can in no way be considered exhaustive or accurate.
Unless you request a review and validation by the Cabinet, the document generated is considered as simple information. Consequently, you are solely responsible for the interpretations made of the information provided, the advice that you derive from it and the adaptations made for your own commercial activity. The use and operation of the tool is therefore under your sole responsibility and at your own risk.
Publisher: The person, natural or legal, who publishes online communication services to the public.
The Site: All the sites, Internet pages and online services offered by the Publisher.
The User: The person using the Site and the services.
Data relating to personal life (lifestyle, family situation, excluding sensitive or dangerous data)
Civil status, identity, identification data ...
Data relating to professional life (CV, education, professional training, distinctions, etc.) Economic and financial information (income, financial situation, tax situation, etc.)
Your data is not communicated to third parties. However, you are informed that they may be disclosed by application of a law, a regulation or by virtue of a decision of a competent regulatory or judicial authority.
• the management of technical prospecting operations (which notably includes technical operations such as standardization, enrichment and deduplication)
• the selection of people to carry out loyalty, prospecting, survey, product testing and promotion actions. Unless the consent of the persons concerned is obtained under the conditions provided for in Article 6, these operations must not lead to the establishment of profiles likely to reveal sensitive data (racial or ethnic origins, philosophical, political, trade union, religious opinions, etc. sexual life or human health)
• carrying out solicitation operations
We may publish, disclose and use aggregated information (information relating to all of our Users or to specific groups or categories of Users that we combine in such a way that an individual User can no longer be identified or mentioned) and non-personal information for industry and market analysis, demographic profiling, promotional and advertising purposes and other business purposes.
If you connect your account to an account of another service in order to cross-send, that service may provide us with your profile information, connection information, and any other information that you have authorized disclosure. We may aggregate information relating to all of our other Users, groups, accounts, to personal data available to the User.
Consulting the Site does not require registration or prior identification. It can be done without you communicating any personal data concerning you (name, first name, address, etc.). We do not record any personal data for the simple consultation of the Site.
We only use your electronic identifiers for and during the performance of the contract.
We do not collect or store any technical data from your device (IP address, Internet service provider, etc.).
We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to enhance your experience on our website. Cookies allow us to collect information about your browsing behavior and preferences.
• Essential Cookies: Necessary for the proper functioning of the website.
• Analytical Cookies: Help us understand how users interact with the website and improve user experience.
• Marketing Cookies: Allow us to deliver personalized advertisements based on your browsing behavior.
You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings. For more information, please see our Cookie Policy.
The technical data are kept for the period strictly necessary to achieve the purposes mentioned above.
We undertake to inform you in the event of a substantial modification of these T & Cs, and not to lower the level of confidentiality of your data substantially without informing you and obtaining your consent.
You expressly agree that any dispute that may arise as a result of these T & Cs, in particular its interpretation or execution, will come under an arbitration procedure subject to the rules of the arbitration platform chosen by mutual agreement, to which you adhere without reservation.